06 October 2007

Pink Lemonade Cupcakes

I found this recipe at Daisycake's blog, and just had to try them. I baked up the cupcakes Thursday night, which I am very glad I did (more on that in another post).

Such a pretty pale pink cake, only a pretty-princess-pink lemonade buttercream would do for frosting them. They taste wonderful too: the cake is moist, with a lovely bright lemonade flavor. The buttercream has only a hint of the flavoring, so it doesn't overpower. Although the buttercream is SWEET, so try not to over-do it, like I did.

Pink Lemonade Cupcakes

1 c. all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. baking soda
Pinch salt
1/2 c. granulated sugar
1/4 c. vegetable oil
2 egg whites
1/3 c. thawed frozen Pink Lemonade Concentrate
1/4 c. buttermilk
2 or more drops red food coloring

Preheat oven to 350 F. Line muffin pan with liners.

In a small bowl, combine flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Set aside.

In a large bowl, whisk together sugar, oil, egg whites and lemonade concentrate. Alternately whisk in flour mixture and buttermilk, making three additions of flour mixture and two of buttermilk, beating until just smooth. Add just enough food coloring to turn the batter a light shade of pink.

Scoop batter into liners (fill about three-fourths full). Bake in preheated oven for 20-25 minutes or until tops of cupcakes spring back when lightly touched. Let cool in pan on rack for 10 minutes. Remove from pan and let cool completely on rack. Top cooled cupcakes with frosting (see below).

Lemonade Buttercream:
3 c. + 3 Tbsp. confectioner’s sugar
1 stick unsalted butter at room temperature
1/8 tsp. salt
2 Tbsp. pink lemonade concentrate
Red food coloring

Add the butter, confectioner’s sugar, salt, lemon juice, and a few drops of food coloring to the stand mixer and mix on low using the paddle attachment until combined. Turn the speed to med-high until the buttercream is fluffy and uniformly pink. Pipe or spread onto cooled cupcakes.


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Anonymous said...

What a neat idea to use fruit juice concentrate! Those are so incredibly cute...

Stef said...

These are so cute and girly. Sounds tasty too!

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of pink lemonade cupcakes. I've seen it around on the food blogs, but this recipe looks reallllly great! And the pink comes at the perfect time for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Georgina Ingham | CulinaryTravels said...

Just seen the cupcakes on tastespotter.com - they look gorgeous, so tasty.

Rococo Cocoa is Joe said...

I made these. They are SCRUMPTIOUS. I took a picture of mine as well:


Magpie said...

Yum. Those look terrific.

MacAddictAngie said...

I made these today. I love the concept, but the execution was not as I hoped. My cakes seemed like they didn't rise enough and the frosting was more dry than I would like. Not very fluffy... I'm dealing with high altitude, so maybe that was the problem? I'm still learning how to work with that. Any suggestions..?

Nemmie said...

Thanks for all the lovely comments everyone! And Rococo: nice cupcakes my dear :)


The frosting is made to get a bit "hard", I like it really thick (and it's terribly sweet, just a warning to others). The thicker, the more decorative I can get when decorating.

The rising problems is definitely due to altitute. From poking around the Internet, I found a few different things you could try (one at a time, mind you, don't try to do all of this at once):

-Decrease the sugar
-Decrease baking powder
-Increase eggs
-Raise oven temperature (~25 degrees)
-Add slightly more flour
-Increase liquid (if cakes are too dry)

Hopefully that helps. I also heard the cookbook "Pie in the Sky" (by S. Purdy) is geared towards higher altitude baking, so you might want to look into that. Good luck!

MacAddictAngie said...

Thanks for the suggestions!

Anonymous said...

they look so good, but i tried to make them today and they didnt taste too good ): not sweet enough for my liking, and the icing was kinda buttery tasting. maybe becuase i used salted butter..couldent find any unsalted.

I really need to try these out again :) they looked so cute when i took them out of the oven. rest of the family loves them though!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting these! I'm going to try them out this morning for a playdate my daughter has. This cold, wet, winter weather is making me crave all things reminiscent of summer. I doubt mine will be as pretty.... but I'll post my photos anyway later today or tomorrow.

Happy baking, Amy

kellypea said...

What a cool idea! And these are just about the most perfect cupcakes I've seen. I never have enough patience with them when I make them. I should try harder!

Amanda said...

Just stumbled across this looking for links for pink lemonade cake to add to tonight's blog post. These are beautiful! I've added them to my cooking blog!

Elle The Heiress said...

I just made a batch of these about an hour ago. The frosting was a bit dry and tasted too buttery. And the cupcakes didn't rise very much, so one batch of frosting ended up being enough for nearly two batches of cupcakes.

My second batch is in the making this very second. I still have 4 minutes left of the cupcakes, and the frosting just finished. This time I added yellow food coloring to the frosting instead of pink. I thought the two colors would make it seem more like pink lemonade instead of strawberry.

Thanks for the recipe! I am definitely going to make this one again.

Anonymous said...

I just tried to make these tonight for a baby shower. I substituted apple sauce for the veggie oil. I used margarine instead of butter. I used a milk/vinegar substitute for buttermilk. Bad idea? The batter was really runny. When I took them out of the oven, they did not rise and were very very rubbery. Flavor-wise, it was delectable, both the cake and the frosting. Was the rubbery texture due to the substitutions? Any feedback would be great. =)

Anonymous said...

These look amazing! Your pink sugar worked out a lot better than mine did lol. Mine were in clumps(you can see pics on my blog). I know what you mean about buttercream and going OTT though. Great job!

shannon.marriam said...

This recipe only made 9 cupcakes for me... great cupcakes, but they didn't make many.

n3m3sis42 said...

I made these, and they were WONDERFUL. I especially loved the buttercream, and I'm sure I will be experimenting with new variations on it eventually for other recipes. Thanks so much for sharing this! :)

Anonymous said...

I tried these last night, and am sad to say I will not be doing them again. While the frosting was fabulous, the cake itself was too odd-both texture wise (not light and springy like I'm used to) and taste (the buttermilk overpowers the pink lemonade for a not very pleasant overall taste). They look adorable, I think if I wanted pink lemonade cupcakes again, I would use an alternate cake recipe.

Anonymous said...

neat i should try those they look fantastical

Sean and Brandi said...

I didn't make the cupcakes, but the buttercream recipe is incredible. I highly recommend.

Unknown said...

My sister made 60+ of these for my baby shower and they were the hit of the party. Insanely delicious and beautiful. She copied your decorations and they looked professionally made. Thank you for a great recipe, they really do taste like lemonade!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this recipe. I needed something for October breast cancer awareness morning tea for my husband's office and they went down a treat. Lovely, pink, moist, light and tasting like pink lemonade. I did a test run first. My only changes were: an extra 1/4 teaspoon baking powder as I was worried about them being too moist, using a buttermilk substitute (1/4 cup of milk with 1 teaspoon of vinegar set aside of 10 minutes before using). I made the pink lemonade concentrate from scratch which was very easy and my family is enjoying making pink lemonade from the leftovers. I used the butter cream frosting recipe and found it delightful - piped frosting on and decorated with an assortment of pink cashous, breast cancer awareness pink ribbon shapes made of pink-tinted fondant two days earlier so they were hard and the pink tinted sugar. Each cake was different.

Thanks so much for this lovely recipe. I found it easy to follow and the pictures made my mouth water.

My husband called from the office to say 'our' cake tray was the first to empty and they really tasted like pink lemonade.

I'll be making these again for sure.

Candi said...

These look delicious! Thanks for posting!!!

Adam & Melissa Hoffman said...

I made these today for a bridal shower, I really like the taste but they are very dense. Did I do something wrong or is this what they are suppose to be?

Lisa@LadyLip.com said...

These are beautiful...I love the pink lemonade concentrate ingredient...I'm definitely going to make these.

Anonymous said...

I made these today for my Mother's Day dessert. (Yes, I have to make my own if we want it to be edible) Followed the recipe exactly, fresh baking powder and baking soda, but the didn't rise, and taste a bit gummy. I have my own frosting recipe that I use, not as sweet as people are saying here.

Cool People said...

Even though these look good, they are too "lemonade-y". Why not just use a simpler frosting on top of a regular lemon cake(that is died pink). It still has the idea of a "pink lemonade" cupcake without the overpowering tart flavor.

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Marjorie Morin said...

I made these and they were perfect and very tasty. For me too the icing was too dry, I just add milk and it did the trick (next time I will use pink lemonade instead of milk so that it tastes even more ;) )

Here is my pic with a link to your blog : http://www.flickr.com/photos/58513640@N00/5174289683/

I will sure try some of your other recipes!

Thank you!

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xoxo said...

When I made them, they turned out really good and had good flavor, but the batch was really small. I would recommend doubling the recipe to get about 24.

man said...

I made these today. I love the concept, but the execution was not as I hoped. My cakes seemed like they didn't rise enough and the frosting was more dry than I would like. Not very fluffy... I'm dealing with high altitude, so maybe that was the problem? I'm still learning how to work with that. Any suggestions..?
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Krystin said...

Thank you for sharing this. I will definitely be trying these soon :)
To all you who find it too buttery, this is my suggestion. I never use 1 cup butter. I always use 1/2 cup butter and 1/2 cup shortening. I have had frostings that are all butter and it is just gross to me to taste the butter like that, but I don't want it greasy tasting like shortening either...and I have found the 1/2 and 1/2 is perfect. I would recommend you try that.

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Thank you for posting these! I'm going to try them out this morning for a playmate my daughter has. This cold, wet, winter weather is making me crave all things reminiscent of summer. I doubt mine will be as pretty.... but I'll post my photos anyway later today or tomorrow.
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ludbug said...
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ludbug said...

My brother's fiancee and I made these a few weekends ago just for fun and they were delicious! We were really looking for a raspberry lemonade cupcake recipe, so we just swapped out the pink lemonade concentrate for the raspberry version and then put a fresh raspberry on top for garnish.
We did find that the recipe only made about 8 cupcakes (we like to make a little larger cupcakes) so we doubled the recipe, and I'm glad we did! They went like hotcakes. :) I LOVE that the cupcake and the frosting are both pink too - thanks for a fun new recipe!!! We will definitely be making them again soon.

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CupcakeQueen said...

Am I the only one who is confused about the buttercream recipe? The ingridents say absolutely nothing about the quantity of lemon juice, but the recipe directions say to add lemon juice. I am attempting to make these this evening and don't want to screw up the buttercream. Any advice on how much lemon juice should be added?!

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Vaish P. said...

Hey there! I really loved these cupcakes! The icing is amazing. My cake ended up a bit too dense...any suggestions or ideas as to why that might be?
These totally made me feel like a birthday princess.
Here's my blog post about these cupcakes, with a link back to you!

You are definitely way better at piping the icing than me! But I'm learning!

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When you will going outside and need some companion who is giving fun and make a friendship with you. So, the independent escort girl is the best option for you. We are having some rules regulation for clients who take Dwarka escort service from our agency. The client will follow that and take it.

Night Angel Escort In Mumbai said...

Take the Aerocity escort service at the hotel. The escort agency will give the Aerocity Hot Girl Service where the clients make the demand for the service with the escort girl. There many of the clients who come to the agency and call the escort girl and they go to the hotel for the service.

sahile125 said...

Take the Aerocity escort service at the hotel. The escort agency will give the Aerocity Hot Girl Service where the clients make the demand for the service with the escort girl. There many of the clients who come to the agency and call the escort girl and they go to the hotel for the service.

sahile125 said...

The client who makes demands in the escort agency to get the Escort Service in Chanakyapuri location with more than one girl.

The escort agency will arrange the other escort girl for the client to give the service. The client will get fun with the body of the escort girl at the same service.

The client will get all things with both of the girls what they want. The escort girl gives their full body to the client for the service and never makes any issue in the Chanakyapuri escorts service.

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