07 January 2009

Roast Beef Soup

Ah, the holidays. I didn't get to tell you very much about the holidays, did I? Well, as usual they were fantastic (and went by a bit too quickly, as they seem to do for everyone). The sous chef Mahni got an Easy Bake Oven from her aunt Nemmie, so our time together was well spent baking goodies.

This year because the holiday fell next to a weekend, we decided to do a whirlwind trip of Kansas, seeing my family south of us and then off to see Hubs' family west of that. Then back northeast to head home at the end of it all... By the time we finally made it home, we (as usual) found ourselves in possession of many edible goodies and leftovers. Among those, a huge hunk of leftover beef roast.

Well, thank goodness for that, because I was craving some soup. This soup is a fantastic way to use up that leftover roast, a steaming and filling bowl of soup that'll warm you up without packing on the pounds. I ate this at work for lunch for an entire week, and never tired of it. In fact, it seems to get better the longer it sits! Definintely something for you out there to try when you find yourself with some leftover beef roast :)

Roast Beef Soup
(adapted from Recipezaar)

2 Tbsp. butter + 1 Tbsp. olive oil
2 medium yellow onions, cut into large chunks
2 stalks celery, chopped
3-4 cloves garlic, minced
2 c. sliced cremini mushrooms
1 1/2 lbs. leftover cooked beef, cubed
64 oz. beef broth ( I added a bit more, closer to 80 oz.)
2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp. dried herbes de provence
8 oz. uncooked egg noodles (I used wheat noodles, to make it a wee bit more healthy-ish)

In a large pot, heat the butter and oil over medium heat, until butter is melted and pot is heated. Add the onions and celery, and saute until the onions and celery are softened (about 5-7 minutes). Add the garlic and saute for another 2-3 minutes. Add mushrooms, and cook until they are softened as well (about 5 minutes).

Stir in the chopped cooked beef to warm. Add the beef broth and the Worcestershire, stirring to mix, and seasoning to taste with salt and pepper and herbes de provence. Bring mixture to a boil, then stir in uncooked egg noodles.

Reduce heat and cook, stirring occasionally, for 10-12 minutes or until noodles are tender.


  1. great idea. Nice way of using left overs. This looks yummy and I m not much of a soup person :)

  2. I love making soup with my leftovers...your soup looks wonderful.

  3. Yum.. Roast beef Soup.. gosh.. soup is utterly great during the winter months.. if filled with veggies it can help with the waistline too..

  4. Hi it's me again. There s an award for you at my blog :)

  5. Soup! Pefect for this weather, for sure. I made a similiar bowl, but used some leftover leg of lamb from New Year's....I love cleaning out the fridge and dumping it all into a pot!

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    Thanks for sharing.

  7. I tried something similar in one of trip to America, I went to Costa Rica and in a restaurant I ate something call it "chifrijo", this recipe consist in rice, beans and pork meat, with pico de gallos or most known for it Mexican name "salsa fresca", this consist in chopped tomato, onion and coriander, some people like to prepare this Generic Viagra.
